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The DAFI Scholarship Program, German Academic initiative « Albert Einstein » Fund tor refugees, launches for the 2024-2024 academic year, a Call for Applications for 15 scholarships in favor of young graduates and Refugees students residing In Cameroon and wishing to continue their studies in the Universities Institutions of Cameroon.
The DAFI Cameroon program primarily finances studies in the academic and professional fields of the bachelor’s Degree. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
Eligibility criteria:
- Have refugee status;
- Hold at least the GCE advance level or any equivalent diploma obtained with a good distinction;
- If higher studies have already been started, have excellent university results is required;
- Need financial assistance to pursue higher studies;
- Be at maximum of 28 years old;
- Only one scholarship is granted per family;
- 01 4X4 photos.
Important: 60% of places will be granted to girls / women.
Applications are to be submitted every working day, in the Plan International Cameroon offices (Maroua, Bertoua, Yaounde, Douala, Meiganga, Batouri, Ngaoundere) or UNHCR Cameroon, between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. sharp, until August 05, 2024. After this deadline, no application will be accepted.
For more information on the eligibility and selection criteria and the conditions for the submission of files, please go to the Plan International Cameroon / UNHCR Cameroon offices or call 654 420 219.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged