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Google has just announced its doctoral scholarship program for the year 2021 for African students. Applicants can apply for the Google scholarship to study abroad with fully funded PhD scholarships.
Applications are open to computer science students (or an adjacent field) from any African university. You will not be called upon to relocate (change your country) or university. You will continue your studies at your original university, Google will fund your studies.
The Google Doctoral Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students performing outstanding and innovative research in fields relevant to computer science and related fields.
Google offers scholarships in Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and the United States.
Currently, only scholarships for African students are available.
The number of scholarships is unlimited. Google will fund any interesting candidate.
Benefits of Google PhD scholarships
Fellows will have the following benefits:
- USD 30,000 to cover stipends and other research-related activities, travel expenses, including overseas travel
- A scholarship for up to 3 years,
- Will be paired with a Google Search Mentor,
- The funds are given without restriction, the candidate can spend it according to their needs.
Eligibility for Google PhD scholarship
For current doctoral students:
- Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time doctoral program at a university in Africa.
- Applicants who are currently in their first year of a part-time doctoral program and are transferring to full-time positions are also welcome to apply.
- Students must be early doctoral students, that is, they must not have had more than one year of their doctorate. Applicants for the 2021 scholarship must have started their program on or after January 1, 2021.
- Students must remain enrolled in the doctoral program for the duration of the scholarship or forfeit the scholarship.
- Applicants should be pursuing a doctorate in computer science or related fields.
- Google employees and family members of Google employees are not eligible
- Students who are already receiving another corporate scholarship are not eligible.
For current undergraduate / masters students and professionals:
- The award of the scholarship to this category of applicants is contingent upon their enrollment in a full-time doctoral program at a university in Africa during the calendar year of the scholarship.
- Student applicants must be full-time undergraduate or masters students enrolled in an African university. Professionals must be employed / affiliated with an organization registered in Africa.
- The Google scholarship will be dependent on the scholarship being enrolled in the full-time doctoral program at an African university, computer science or related fields, in the calendar year 2021, or the scholarship will be canceled.
- Awarding of the Google scholarship does not mean admission to a university’s doctoral program. The scholarship holder must also complete the doctoral admission process of the institute / university where they wish to apply for the doctoral degree.
- The awarding of the Google scholarship will be subject to the rules and guidelines applicable in the institute / university where the scholarship holder is enrolled in the doctoral program.
- Google employees and family members of Google employees are not eligible.
Applications are evaluated based on the strength of the research proposal, the impact of the research, the academic achievements of the students, and the potential for leadership.
Required documents
Students will need the following documents (all documents must be submitted in English.):
- Candidate’s CV with links to website and publications (if available),
- Transcripts available from the first year / semester of the license to date,
- Research proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
- 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the candidate’s work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current doctoral students)
- Short CV (a page) of the student’s doctoral program advisor,
- An essay answer (limit of 350 words) on the question: What impact would receiving this scholarship have on your education? Describe any circumstances affecting your need for a scholarship and the educational goals this scholarship will allow you to accomplish.
Applications must be submitted by Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:00 a.m. PT.
If you have any questions, email research-africa@google.com or visit the official Google Africa scholarship website.