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ULB and ARES award 8 doctoral scholarships ( first year or continuation ) and 23 thesis or post-doctorate finalization scholarships for nationals of their cooperation partner countries.
Call for applications
Mobility grants for researchers from ARES cooperation partner countries
ULB and ARES award mobility grants to nationals of their cooperation partner countries * to cover:
- doctoral research as part of a new thesis (the annual grant will be renewable three times with the agreement of the support committee);
- a doctorate for a thesis in progress ( excluding finalization – renewable up to the fourth year of the thesis );
- a doctorate for the completion of a thesis (thesis started at least 4 years ago): priority will be given in this context to any thesis previously funded by ULB or ARES .
- post-doctoral research .
* South Africa, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ethiopia, Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Uganda, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia, Madagascar, Benin, Cameroon, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia , Peru, Haiti, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines.
The scholarships can cover months between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2024 ( academic year 2024-2024 ) in Belgium and in the country of the partner institution. The amounts of the scholarships must be aligned with the document “financial rules.
As part of this call, approximately 8 doctoral scholarships (first year or continuation), and 23 thesis or post-doctorate finalization scholarships will be awarded.
You will find on this page, in the right column, the links to
- the rules of appeal
- the financial rules for establishing the budget of an application
- the application form
- the selection procedure
The information concerning the selection or not of the application will be communicated no later than June 30, 2024.
Please note: the current amounts for the grants ( financial rules ) must still be validated by the funder, the Directorate General for Development ( Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs ). These amounts could therefore possibly be different if the file is selected.
Contact for further information: Lara Rauwers