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The U.S. Embassy in Cameroon is seeking qualified candidates for the 2024 Fulbright African Research Scholar Program (ARSP), also known as The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program (FVSP).
Eligibilities: Fulbright African Research Scholar Program applicants must:
- Hold an M.A. or Ph.D. degree
- Be a Cameroonian citizen
- Be proficient in English
Applicants should be university faculty, government officials, private sector professionals, work at a think tank, or occupy similar occupations. Applicants will be expected to have a significant record of scholarly or professional accomplishment. Applicants must reside in Cameroon throughout the nomination and selection process, and they must return to Cameroon upon completion of their U.S. stay.
Applicants are ineligible to apply if:
- They are currently teaching, studying, or conducting research in the United States, or who have received a Fulbright grant within the past five years.
- They have been to the United States as a J-1 Exchange Visitor in the category of Professor or Research Scholar within the past two years.
Grant Length: Applicant may choose a grant for a semester (5 months) or full academic year (9 months)
- A-semester grant (5 months) must begin in September 2024 or January 2024
- One academic year grant (9 months) must begin in September 2024
The following materials comprise a complete application:
- Application
- Project proposal
- Bibliography
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (three are required)
- Letter of invitation (preferred, but not required)
When submitting applications, candidates will be required to read, accept, and adhere to the following information pertaining to plagiarism:
The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program seeks applicants whose writing achieves highest academic standards of original research, writing, and citation. The program application includes the opportunity to describe your academic work and research. Application materials will be processed using software to help identify any instance of plagiarism. Plagiarism in any part of your application will result in your disqualification from participation in the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program. ECA and IIE will follow the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of plagiarism: Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining and publication as one’s own, of the ideas, or the expression of the ideas, of another. It is expected that your project proposal will be your own work and writing, clearly citing secondary sources when describing the academic work and writing of others (including one’s own previously published work). Any sources used in the construction of your responses must be clearly cited in your project statement and bibliography.
Grant Categories:
Research Grants
Awards of 3 to 9 months are offered for African university faculty or research institute professionals to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2024 and no later than March 2024. Applicants must hold a doctorate or equivalent terminal degree in their fields at the time of application. Preference will be given to individuals who have at least three years of university teaching experience and a productive scholarly record.
Program and Curriculum Development Grants
Awards of 3 to 5 months are offered for African university faculty or administrators to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2024 and no later than March 2024. Proposals should be linked to professional duties and demonstrate how the scholar will use the knowledge gained to develop new courses, curricula, or other academic programs at the home institution. These grants are designed for university faculty or administrators with less experience and who may not have had recent access to research or instructional developments in their disciplines. A doctorate degree is not required, but applicants must hold a minimum of a master’s or equivalent graduate degree at the time of application.Fields of study: Applicants of various disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, science, and technology are welcome to apply.
Affiliation in the United States: Any appropriate and accredited institution in the United States
Deadline: Monday, May 16, 2024. 11:59 PM (Cameroon time zone)
Candidates must apply online at: https://apply.iie.org/fvsp2024/
No paper or email applications will be accepted.
Point of contact: Cultural Affairs Assistant
Phone: (237) 22222-1500 x 4565
Email: ExchangesYaounde@state.gov